Today I was reading a talk by sister Nell F. Marriott titled "What Shall We Do?"
On this Mother's Day I would like to share some of her talk as I contemplate myself as a woman of God, a daughter, a wife, a grandmother, and a sister.
The Lord's church needs Spirit-directed women who use their unique gifts to nurture, to speak up, and to defend gospel truth. Emma Smith (wife of the LDS prophet, Joseph Smith) once declared, "I desire the Spirit of God to know and understand myself, that I might be able to overcome whatever of tradition or nature that would not tend to my exaltation."
Love is making space in your life for someone else who needs it.
With the help of the Holy Ghost we can create an emotionally healing place for the discriminated against, the rejected, and the stranger. Orson F. Whitney wrote, "All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently...purifies our heart...and it is through...toil and tribulation, that we gain the education...which will make us more like our Father in Heaven."
In reference to building the Kingdom of God through teaching and testifying of Christ, Julie B. Beck stated, "The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this requires a conscious effort." Our high responsibility is to become women who follow the Savior, nurture with inspiration, and live truth fearlessly.
These wise words gave me pause to be grateful to be a woman of faith at this time and in this place. I pray I will always make space in my life for someone else who needs love. I pray I will study, pray, and grow so that I will be worthy to receive the personal revelation I need to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and all those whom He brings into my life. For 'when you are in the service of your fellow being, you are in the service of your God'.