Friday, April 11, 2014


In some ways I think I have gracefully accepted parts of the aging process.  Today, however, I got really frustrated with the fact that I am not as physically strong as I used to be. It's not like I haven't noticed it until just now or anything. Mostly I had come to accept the fact that more aches and pains accompany the physical exertions I used to do pain-free in the past. We have a pretty big yard at our house, nearly an acre. Most of our lives Gary and I maintained the yard by ourselves.  Then we started hiring someone to do it twice a month and we would do it twice a month. Finally we decided we were plain sick of doing it, so hired our awesome daughter-in-law, Kim, to do it for us. I tried to keep up the weeding and I did the planting each Spring. Then last year Kim volunteered to work an extra hour or so each time she came to help me with the weeding.  This week it has warmed up enough that the lawns needed it's first  mowing and edging.  Kim has been extra busy this week so I volunteered to do it all myself. I got an early start this morning and tackled the front yard after putting gas and oil in the mowers and edgers, etc. Gary did the power edging then I mowed, used the weed eater then blower. By the time I finished the front yard I was bushed, my back was hurting and my elbows and thumbs were throbbing from the weight of the weed eater and leaf blower. I had to put off doing the back yard until tomorrow.  I was so frustrated.  A lot of my neighbors have quit doing their own lawns, but I kind of snobbishly thought they were being a bit wimpy. Well, I have
 been sufficiently humbled by today's experience.

So now I am realizing I need to accept the limitations that come with age and take two days to mow and edge without griping about it all the time. I have so many blessings in my life to be grateful for.  Hey, I can still play tennis several days a week, so things can't be too bad:)

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