First Nephi 1:1 Our Relief Society is doing a 40 day study of the Book or Mormon. In the very first verse of First Nephi we learn so much. Nephi reflects on his life then begins his record. We see that Nephi has suffered many afflictions and challenges BUT nevertheless he recognizes how blessed he has been and gives thanks for great spiritual understanding. He has seen the tender mercies of a loving Heavenly Father. His older brothers, Laman and Lemuel have been through many of the same experiences and challenges, yet they never seem to recognize the mercies of God and are always ungrateful and angry. The difference in attitude makes all the difference in the life of Nephi, and God is able to use him in great ways due to his willingness to serve God and mankind.
Likewise we see this in our daily lives. There are those people who make lemonade out of lemons when challenges come their way and there are those who simply become sourpusses. Some deny personal responsibility for their actions while others take responsibility and seek to help everyone else along their path. None of us escape sadness and hard times in this life, but as for me, I choose to yoke myself to the Lord and be happy in the midst of hard things. Today I saw a great poster on Facebook. Jesus is walking along the beach with his arms full of luggage, and He says something like, "I've got your baggage, come along and follow me." That says it all.
Likewise we see this in our daily lives. There are those people who make lemonade out of lemons when challenges come their way and there are those who simply become sourpusses. Some deny personal responsibility for their actions while others take responsibility and seek to help everyone else along their path. None of us escape sadness and hard times in this life, but as for me, I choose to yoke myself to the Lord and be happy in the midst of hard things. Today I saw a great poster on Facebook. Jesus is walking along the beach with his arms full of luggage, and He says something like, "I've got your baggage, come along and follow me." That says it all.
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