Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Read a great article on something we have been hearing sermons on for oh so many years.  It's easy for us to minimize the need for change in our lives.  We often hear, "Well, I can't change, it's just the way I am", or "just live and let live".  However, Galatians 6:15 and other scriptures remind us that change is an important aspect of the Christian life.  Jesus was born at a time when the law of Moses guided the religious life of the nation of Israel, focusing on outward performances on specific actions that were either required or forbidden.  The Pharisees taught that if you kept all of God's commandments which dealt primarily with outward actions, then you would be righteous.

Then along comes Jesus Christ who turned all those notions upside down.  He focused on the inner attitudes and the condition of one's heart which would then motivate us to living righteously.  In our day we may find ourselves falling into the trap of doing all the outward things in our religious life that makes it appear that we are on the right path:  attending church, paying our tithing, living the Word of Wisdom.  Parables in the New Testament relating to the Pharisees remind us that becoming comfortable with our commandment keeping can stunt our spiritual growth and progress.

2 Corinthians 7:10 teaches us that "godly sorrow worketh  repentance to salvation".  Paul stressed that in the life of a disciple of Christ, "all things must become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).  As we look inward in a desire to become more like the Savior we might ask ourselves questions like, "Am I impatient, negative, fearful, critical, self-centered, controlling, light-minded, lustful, cynical or lazy?" The Atonement of Jesus Christ can not only cleanse us of sin but also help us overcome the inner weakness that comes from being a natural man.  The book of Ether in the Book of Mormon reminds us that "if men come unto me I will show to them their weaknesses.  I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them".  Having faith in Him involves believing that He can reach deep enough to change us in ways we need to change, if only we come to Him with a submissive heart, desiring to become new creatures.

The world would have us focus on a change in behavior, but we know that it is the change in heart that must come first, a change of heart leads to a change in behavior.  It's not just what we are doing, it is who we are becoming.  What a wonderful blessing to know that over time (and sometimes it requires a long time) if we are humble and teachable then the Lord can use the Holy Ghost to help us become new creatures.  The Lord has everlasting patience and we need to be patient with ourselves as we journey toward becoming more and more Christlike.  Line upon line, precept upon precept.....

1 comment:

  1. Mary I love teaching with you and you always bring so much to the table with your preparation of your lessons...and I love you and your Blog is amazing!
